JC Welcomes Awesome Poets at January 19 Workshop in Ottawa

At 2:00 PM on Saturday, January 19, JC leads a workshop for young poets at the Ottawa Public Library’s Greenboro Branch, 363 Lorry Greenberg Drive.
“February brings the deadline for the OPL’s 2013 Awesome Authors Contest, which is open to short story and poetry submissions from writers aged 9-11,12-14 and 15-17.
“The workshop for 9-14 year-olds will share my 5-top tips about writing poetry that leaves readers with a WOW! Participating poets will also be able to share a poem they have written for feedback.”
Preregistration at the Branch is required.

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  • Click the image below to see the poster for JC’s newest book of poetry.


    Click HERE to order any of JC's books of poetry. This includes "Life, After Life", "Bricolage", and "South Shore Suite".