Save the date: LIFE, AFTER LIFE–FROM EPITAPH TO EPILOGUE launches in Toronto on November 3, 2024

Aeolus House launches JC’s new book of poetry, Life, after life—from epitaph to epilogue, at 7:00 PM on Sunday, November 3, at the Free Times Café, 320 College St., two blocks west of Spadina.

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Published under her pen name, A. Garnett Weiss, Life, after Life is her third poetry collection. In this new book she turns words and phrases found in obituaries published on a single day in the Globe and Mail into over 60, five-line, singular poems.

“I read them all—for the stories, for what they say about life rather than about death,” JC explains. “ I liken these poems to an epilogue or afterword, since each one rounds out conclusions I drew from my readings rather than recasts an obituary about any one person.”

Keys at the end of the collection provide the given names of each person about whom JC read.

“Listing these names reflects the connection I feel to them and my wish to honour the memory of each one, while respecting their privacy. The keys also acknowledge fully obituary articles to which I referred.”

 The evening features poets Donna Langevin and Kate Rogers reading in response to a poem in Life, after life and from their own body of work.

Copies of Life, after life will be available for purchase on site. For further information, go

Come early. Seating is limited. (Reservations for dinner advised.)

Upcoming: A reading in Ottawa at Perfect Books on Elgin Street in the evening of Wednesday, November 27, 2024, featuring JC and poet Allan Briesmaster.

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Why ask?

  • Click the image below to see the poster for JC’s newest book of poetry.


    Click HERE to order any of JC's books of poetry. This includes "Life, After Life", "Bricolage", and "South Shore Suite".