Illustrated by Janice Friis, published in 2000
Two stories in unique back to back (flip) format for children three and up.
The Dream Mixture shows how four year-old Lilli finds a magical way to fall asleep instead of insisting on yet another bedtime story.
Letters for Lilli turns wintertime ‘cabin fever’ with a toddler into a unique hunt for the letters of the alphabet.
32 pages, black and white illustrations,
saddle stitched, trade paper, 5 7/8″ by 9″
$7.95 plus shipping and handling
(ISBN: 0-9685094-1-X)
Back to Back Stories for Lilli and Zach
Out of print
Illustrated by Janice Friis, published in 2000
Two stories in unique back to back (flip) format for children three and up.
The Dream Mixture shows how four year-old Lilli finds a magical way to fall asleep instead of insisting on yet another bedtime story.
Letters for Lilli turns wintertime ‘cabin fever’ with a toddler into a unique hunt for the letters of the alphabet.
32 pages, black and white illustrations,
saddle stitched, trade paper, 5 7/8″ by 9″
$7.95 plus shipping and handling
(ISBN: 0-9685094-1-X)
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